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PSAP to PSAP Communications

Increase Communications Efficiency between PSAPs

Many Public Service Answering Points (PSAPs) rely on telephones, radio, or other limited forms of communication between primary, secondary, and other communication centers when responding to a multi-agency or multi-jurisdictional call.

When it comes to sharing active emergency dispatch, response, and operational data that affect one or more multi-jurisdictional areas, sharing automated, seamless, and real-time emergency response information between responding agencies is a critical component of a safe, efficient, and high-quality 911 emergency response system.

Near-real-time notifications on live updates to emergency inciden data and mapping information to other responding PSAPs and communication centers, reduces confusion, facilitates cooperation between agencies, reduces liability, and saves lives – including the lives of the emergency responders.

A Typical Scenario

Imagine a typical multi-agency response without near-real-time notifications and automated alerting. A call for a multi-casualty incident requiring fire, police, and EMS is received by the primary PSAP. The primary PSAP picks up the phone or radio to alert the appropriate secondary PSAPs or agencies to respond to the call. Unless all agencies are on the same dispatch and alerting system, seconds are lost as the primary PSAP is tasked with the burden and responsibility of manually contacting the other required resources to initiate a multi-agency response or alert them on an incident related change, cancellation, or dangerous hold back scenario.

With automated alerting, once the initial call information is entered into the Primary PSAPs CAD, the notification infrastructure seamlessly alerts all the appropriate responding agencies based on geographical and jurisdictional pre-set determinants, incident priority and status changes, and key word phrasing (e.g. hold back situations).

In addition, the notification infrastructure maintains an open line of communication (text messaging, comments, and additional alerts) between all involved PSAPs and their responding agencies throughout the life of the active incident.

Save Lives and Increase Efficiency with Automated Alerting

With increased communications efficiency that comes as a result of automated alerting, your organization will be poised to more effectively manage life-saving resources and personnel when it is most needed.

To learn more about how you can seamlessly automate your communications with other communication centers via FirstResponse911 Incident eXchange, contact DataTech911 at (301) 486-0600.