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Situational Awareness and Collaboration for EMS and Hospital EDs

StatusNet911 unifies the efforts of EMS responders, hospital EDs, EMS agencies, first responders, 9-1-1 centers and public health departments so they communicate more effectively to track, dispatch, and manage all available resources.

StatusNet911 is a cloud-based dashboard connecting hospital, dispatch, and first responders with real-time situational data. It provides hospital resource availability, triage status, and system outages to support real-time response emergency incidents. Health systems benefit by receiving Emergency Medical Services (EMS) incident information in real-time to manage facility resources more effectively. StatusNet911 is used daily to handle routine incidents which assures that staff is proficient with the system when disaster strikes.

Features & Benefits

Ambulance Drop Times

Ambulance Drop Times

StatusNet911 calculates and updates ambulance drop-times at hospitals and makes them available to EMS dispatch or an MCI coordinator so response units can be routed to the hospitals that will allow them to get back in service as quickly as possible.

Improved Stroke & STEMI Response

Improved Stroke & STEMI Response

Pre-arrival notification allowing EDs to prepare necessary resources and physicians to communicate with inbound patients.

Hospital Status Information

Hospital Status Information

By reporting, monitoring, and alerting on the availability of specialized equipment, StatusNet911 ensures proper patient allocation, effective routing and dispatch, thereby improving patient outcomes.

Mass Casualty Incident Management

Mass Casualty Incident Management

When a Mass Casualty Incident (MCI) or disaster is declared, StatusNet911 alerts and shares relevant disaster data to all StatusNet911 facilities and requests hospital triage status updates. An MCI Coordinator uses this data to route response units to the best hospital for individual patient needs and hospitals have patient information…



Status Net911 provides a full- featured reporting and auditing service. Users with the proper permissions can generate summary reports for MCIs, audit reports for facility response to requests for updated triage and bed status numbers, and drop-time/wall- time/turnaround time reports.



Alerts are provided when hospital status changes based on patient load or equipment availability. Be On the Lookout alerts (BOLOS), All Calls, and MCI activities are provided through the alert service. During MCIs, patient allocation to vehicles, vehicle allocation to hospitals, and requests for triage status and bed status are…

More Information

What is StatusNet911

StatusNet911 is a collaborative dashboard tool that allows dispatchers, charge nurses, and on-scene responders to share critical information about active EMS incidents, emergency patient triage...
StatusNet911 is a collaborative dashboard tool that allows dispatchers, charge nurses, and on-scene responders to share critical information about active EMS incidents, emergency patient triage...

How StatusNet911 Works

The StatusNet911 dashboard displays at-a-glance patient status and triage information and tracks units that are en route so staff can adequately prepare for their arrival...
The StatusNet911 dashboard displays at-a-glance patient status and triage information and tracks units that are en route so staff can adequately prepare for their arrival...

How StatusNet911 Helps

StatusNet911 is trusted by EMS agencies, emergency medical teams and hospitals. Staff members use it to share real-time ED triage status updates, hospital diversion status, and hospital bed availability...
StatusNet911 is trusted by EMS agencies, emergency medical teams and hospitals. Staff members use it to share real-time ED triage status updates, hospital diversion status, and hospital bed availability...


StatusNet911 integrates seamlessly with existing Computer Aided Dispatch (CAD) systems to provide increased transparency and improved communications during MCI and disaster responses, as well as routine incident traffic.

Learn more about StatusNet911 by contacting our team today for a free consultation.